Post your response to one of these questions below by clicking "Add Comment".

1.  Pick a technology that was presented on the website and explain how you, as a teacher, would use it in the classroom.

2. Find another example of a technology for communication and give a description of how the product works, who would benefit from using it and how it may be used in a classroom.
11/7/2012 09:06:51 am

1. Pick a technology that was presented on the website and explain how you, as a teacher, would use it in the classroom.
If I were to pick a device for implementation in my classroom, and assuming students had relatively good gross motor skills, it would be the iPad. It has almost an infinite amount of capabilities due to the number of apps available. I would definitely have students use it if they struggle with attention to detail or on-task behavior since most students or individuals are more fascinated with an iPad compared to a piece of paper. In one of my practicum experiences, the teacher had the students use it for motor skills, hand—eye connection/coordination, and for learning math facts along with the alphabet. The students who used it definitely seemed to be engaged and appeared to enjoy learning.

Erin Myers
11/8/2012 10:12:01 am

1. Pick a technology that was presented on the website and explain how you, as a teacher, would use it in a classroom.

As a teacher, if theTtouch Chat HD-AAC were available in my classroom I would use it in stations for students to use on an iPad. This app is great for all students to use, espeically those who can not communicate on their own. It even allows the message to be enlarged to fit the screen. I feel that this is very benefical because some students may have a hard time seeing the message. It can be used in stations, or anywhere around the classroom. However, I feel that in a small group environment it can help the student communicate with the teacher better.

Caiti Thomas
11/8/2012 10:33:42 am

1. Pick a technology that was presented on the website and explain how you, as a teacher, would use it in the classroom.

As a teacher, I think the most effective technology device to use in the classroom would be the IPad. The IPad is very versatile and has so many different apps and functions that can be used in the classroom, especially to communicate with non-verbal students. With the Ipad, a student can simply point to a picture of what he or she wants or is trying to say. There are also many apps for students who need support in other subjects such as math, science, language arts or social studies. These apps are fun and interactive, which makes it appealing for kids to learn.

Maggie Abney
11/9/2012 12:59:54 am

.Find another example of a technology for communication and give a description of how the product works, who would benefit from using it and how it may be used in a classroom.

I have observed students who are non-verbal use the Go Talk. This can express wants and needs of the students. The Go Talk has created the Go Talk phonics software. The software supports literacy for low to non-verbal students. Animated voices will model explicit phonics instruction for common letter sounds and words. The student can learn word sounds such as mat, sat, or rat by merging together word parts and sounds from the letters m,s,r,a, or t. The software also comes with a assessment rubric to facilitate teacher usage.

Lauren Sheppard
11/10/2012 02:28:53 am

1. Pick a technology that was presented on the website and explain how you, as a teacher, would use it in the classroom.
It is hard to pick one because you guys had so many good technologies on your website but I loved the Proxtalker Communication Device. I would love to have one of these in the classroom for nonverbal students to use for communicating with the teacher and peers in the classroom. During circle time or class discussions it could be passed around and each child could tell the class something about the prompt that is given that day (e.g. what did you do last night, what are you going to do this weekend, what is the weather like, etc.). This would give all students access to communicating and participating with the question of the day and even if the students are not all nonverbal they will understand how to use the device so they are able to help the nonverbal students. I think this would bring a great deal of collaborative work amongst the students in the room.

Jillian Rieff
11/10/2012 02:50:43 am

1. Pick a technology that was presented on the website and explain how you , as a teacher, would use it in the classroom.

I really like Symbol communication technology and PECS because they are simple ways for students to master communicating and become familiar with schedules. With symbol communication technology, I can use symbols to create a visual schedule for more students in the classroom, as well as use it for guidelines on how to do independent work. With PECS students are able to communicate with student and teachers, which helps teachers determine what types of academic language they are comprehending as well as expressing their feeling towards something.

11/10/2012 07:00:47 am

1. Pick a technology that was presented on the website and explain how you, as a teacher, would use it in the classroom.
The Logan Proxtalker Communication Device reminded me a lot of PECS. I would use the Logan Proxtalker to allow my students to communicate their needs and wants. An example would be what they want for lunch or to drink. I think this device would be great for the younger kids I work with now because it is easy to transport so they could take it with them wherever they go. Also, it is waterproof and seems extremely sturdy. I would allow the student to carry it with them where ever they go and use it whenever necessary. I think it would allow for less frustration and easy communication.

Ashley Mooney
11/10/2012 11:41:31 pm

1. Pick a technology that was presented on the website and explain how you, as a teacher, would use it in the classroom.

After viewing this website and looking through all the technologies that were presented, something I would choose to use in my classroom if possible would be the ipad. I would choose the ipad for multiple reasons. I am very comfortable using the ipad and have seen it been used in an MD setting on multiple occasions. The teachers used the ipad as a learning experience, for fine motor skills, for therapy, and for fun. I think there can be many different uses for the ipad. In my classroom I would especially like to use it for those students who are struggling with coordination, along with other skills that may come easy to others. I think the ipad can also be used as a reward to the students. It has so many benefits to it.

Na'Tosha Shepard
11/11/2012 12:28:07 am

1. Pick a technology that was presented on the website and explain how you, as a teacher, would use it in a classroom.

This was a very nice presentation! and very easy to follow as I read through and watched information about the various technologies presented. I would use the Ipad to help students who may have trouble communicating their wants and needs. I chose the Ipad because it's great at getting the students' attention, there are individual applications that could be downloaded to fit each of the students' needs. I would use the Ipad to help students communicate their wants and needs. I would also use it to review basic skills like the alphabet, money sense, number sense and getting students who may have trouble with eye contact to practice with the Ipad. The Ipad is so universal and has apps that can be found to fit every students' needs.

Camille Powell
11/11/2012 12:28:25 am

1. Pick a technology that was presented on the website and explain how you, as a teacher, would use it in the classroom.

The Touch Chat HD-AAC seems very user-friendly and beneficial for a variety of users. I could see myself using an iPad in the classroom with this app for students who have Autism, Down Syndrome, apraxia, and other disabilities that may make communication difficult. The features that this app offers the students are those of more expensive devices and it is all in one on a small, portable screen. The students could use it to speak, write, categorize, and even for social purposes after school or in the cafeteria. Also, many students are comfortable using the iPad or can learn quickly because it is so user friendly and often fun for students to use.

Tim Haubrock
11/11/2012 05:54:08 am

If I were to pick a technology to use in the classroom I would use the iPad. I would use this piece of AT because of all the things that can be done with it. There are so many different kinds of applications that can help a student with a wide range of things. There are applications that can help a student with autism communicate like, Prologuo2go, and applications that can help a child with their multiplication tables. There is no limit to the educational benefits that the iPad offers. That is why I would use this piece of AT in my classroom.

Lauren Henize
11/11/2012 10:55:33 am

1. Pick a technology that was presented on the website and explain how you, as a teacher, would use it in the classroom.
Ipads are not only great to use as communication tools for children with autism but for any type of student who cannot communicate verbally. With the wide variety of apps I would use the Ipad in my classroom as picture schedules for students, an alternate assessment tool and as a different way to present information. I have also seen the Ipad used with our students who have major behavioral problems as a reward, the students earn Ipad minutes when they demonstrate proper behavior and work in class.

Sarah Wygle
11/11/2012 11:11:11 am

1. Pick a technology that was presented on the website and explain how you, as a teacher, would use it in the classroom.

I chose the Eye Gaze Edge. I really find this to be an innovative and excellent technology. I have a student in another class who sometimes comes into my resource room who uses this technology for completing activities. She learns skills by choosing options on her device and then communicates this way. I think that in the classroom, this would open up the possibilities of participating in discussions, voicing opinions or needs, and could aid the teacher by allowing a back-and-forth exchange. I would really want to use this technology in a way that has the student telling me what to write on the board and participating in an open discussion about a subject.

Samantha Covey
11/12/2012 04:52:19 am

Sarah, I have not seen this AT being used in a class room but I am eager to do so. It is exciting to see that this device has had a positive impact on this student's communication in classroom discussions. It is easy to forget all of the daily activities that we do that uses back and forth communication. I am curious on how this student's device was introduced to the other students in the classroom to ensure that it would be a safe environment for everyone to participate.

11/12/2012 07:35:10 am

1. Pick a technology that was presented on the website and explain how you, as a teacher, would use it in the classroom.

One technology that was mentioned on the sight that I am personally very fond of is the Touch Chat app for ipads. I actually had a student that just received an Ipad and is currently learning how to use this exact app. I was blow away when I saw all that it can do. I would have the student use this in the classroom ultimately as his communication device. That includes stating your wants and needs, saying yes or no, making any kind of comment, or trying to get the teacher's attention. One of my favorite parts about this app is that it uses teh camera on the ipad, and you can take a picture and assign names to that picture. For example, my student took a picture of me, then we assigned me name to that picture, so whenever he needed me, he touched my picture and it said my name.

Megan Hofmann
11/12/2012 08:48:32 am

I love to use the iPad with the students at my student teaching placement. There are quite a few students that benefit from the iPad and from programs much like those seen in the 60 Minutes video. One of my students recently became verbal, at the age of 6 years old. Obviously, he speech is still a bit rocky. When we cant understand her, we'll get out the iPad and ask her to use that to communicate. It works wonders and calms her down too.


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